Sinistral shear zone in the Carboniferous Roses granodiorite; Roses, Spain. Four-five centimeters of myolonite develpos in the high strain portions. An aplitic-pegmatitic dyke is deformed and displaced to the left in the upper part of the picture. Photo ID 681

Sinistral shear zone in the Carboniferous Roses granodiorite; Roses, Spain. Four-five centimeters of myolonite develpos in the high strain portions. An aplitic-pegmatitic dyke is deformed and displaced to the left in the upper part of the picture. Photo ID 681

Photograph: R. Carosi

Reference: CARRERAS J. (2001) – Zooming on Northern Cap de Creus shear zones. Journ. Struct. Geol., 23, 1457-1487. CARRERAS J. & LOSANTOS M. (1982) – Geological setting of the Roses Granodiorite (E-Pyrenees, Spain). Acta Geol. Hisp., 17, 211-217. CARRERAS J., DRUGUET E., GRIERA A. & SOLDEVILA J. (2004) – Strain and deformation in a syntectonic pluton. The case of the Roses granodiorite (Cap de Creus, Eastern Pyrenees). In. Alsop G.I., Holdsworth R.E., McCaffrey K.J.W. & Hand M (eds.): Flow processes in Faults and Shear Zones. Geol. Soc. Lond., Spec. Pubbl., 224, 307-319. SIMPSON C., CARRERAS J. & LOSANTOS M (1982) – Inhomogeneous deformation in Roses granodiorite, N.E. Spain. Acta Geol. Hisp., 17, 219-226.

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