Shear bands in “Oyster shell rocks” at Sango Bay, NW Scotland. Foliated chlorite grade phyllite-psammite with foliation-parallel quartz veinlets affected by top-to-the WNW shearing of the Moine Thrust.
Shear bands in “Oyster shell rocks” at Sango Bay, NW Scotland. Foliated chlorite grade phyllite-psammite with foliation-parallel quartz veinlets affected by top-to-the WNW shearing of the Moine Thrust.
Photograph: R. Carosi
Reference: LAW R., THIGPEN R. (2006) – Summer field meeting in the Northwest of Scotland. Field Guide, 61 pp. STRACHAN, R., THIGPEN, J.R. ( 2007) – Field Excursion Guide for the Peach and Horne Centennial Meeting on Continental Tectonics and Mountain Building: Geological Society of London. Webpage (Rob Butler):