Tight to isoclinal SW verging F1 fold in the low-grade metamorphic basement of Sardinia develped during the Lower Carbonifeorus collisional stage.
Tight to isoclinal SW verging F1 fold in the low-grade metamorphic basement of Sardinia develped during the Lower Carbonifeorus collisional stage.
Photograph: R. Carosi
Reference: CAROSI R. & OGGIANO G. (2002) – Transpressional deformation in northwestern Sardinia (Italy): insights on the tectonic evolution of the Variscan belt. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 334, 287-294, Elsevier, Paris 2002. MONTOMOLI C. (2002) – Zone di taglio fragili-duttili nel basamento Varisico metamorfico di basso grado della Nurra meridionale (Sardegna nord-occidentale). Atti della Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali, Memorie seria A, 108, 23-29. CAROSI R., FRASSI C., MONTOMOLI C., IACOPINI D. (2006) – Excursion in the Variscan Basement of Northern Sardinia (Italy): Field Guide. In: (eds.) Köhn, D., and De Paor, D., General Contributions 2006, Journal of the Virtual Explorer, Electronic Edition, ISSN 1441-8142, Volume 22, Paper 3.