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The structure consist of liassic massive limestones (Calcare Massiccio Formation) that outcrop in the upper part of the mountain.
The bottom of the mountain is composed by well stratified rhetic limestone (Calcari e marne a Rhaetavicula Contorta Formation)

The structure consist of liassic massive limestones (Calcare Massiccio Formation) that outcrop in the upper part of the mountain.
The bottom of the mountain is composed by well stratified rhetic limestone (Calcari e marne a Rhaetavicula Contorta Formation)

Photograph: F.Milazzo

Reference: Fazzuoli M., Fois E. & Turi A. (1988) Stratigarfia e sedimentologia dei Calcari e marne a Rhaetavicula contorta Auctt. (Norico-Retico) della Toscana Nord occidentale. Nuova suddivisione formazionale. Riv. It. Paleont. Strat., 94(4), 561-618. Fazzuoli M. & Turi A. (1981) – Ricerche stratigrafiche, sedimentologiche e petrografiche sulla sequenza triassica della Pania di Corfino (Appennino settentrionale). Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 100 (4), 541-553.

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